HOME PAGE of:  Dr. Steven L. Murov
                                Professor Emeritus of Chemistry
aka Dr. Al Chemist 
Resume -  http://murov.info/resume.htm
Web Sites 
Selected Internet Site



Web Sites (by Steve Murov)

Steve Murov home page http://murov.info/ 
Steve Murov resume http://murov.info/resume.htm 
CHEMISTRY RELATED SITES Also see Pre-shows in Powerpoint for element quiz
General Chemistry  
Photophysical Properties of Photosensitizers and Quenchers  NEW  2/20/19
Addendum from Murov thesis
Chemistry Webercises Directory http://murov.info/webercises.htm 
Exploring Matter:  An Interactive, Inexpensive Chemistry Exhibit for Museums   https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acs.jchemed.6b01024
Chemistry Insights or Chemistry Beyond the Book  http://murov.info/chembeyondbook.htm
Toxicities of Substances  http://murov.info/toxexe.htm
http://murov.info/EM-st5A.htm      http://murov.info/EM-st5A.pdf
Chemistry Essentials:  Introduction to chemistry http://murov.info/chemessentials.htm
Chemistry Tutorial Directory http://murov.info/ChemistryTutorialDirectory.htm 
Chemistry puns http://murov.info/chemicalpuns.pptx
Expts. Gen. Chem.   http://murov.info/exptsgenchem.htm 
Chemistry exercises http://exercises.murov.info/chemexercises.htm 
Chemistry Insight  http://murov.info/chemistryinsight.htm
Elements in alphabetical order, arranged by atomic number, density, mp, bp   http://murov.info/elementprop.htm
Chemistry safety exercise  http://murov.info/safety.htm 
Chemistry demonstrations   http://murov.info/chemdemos.htm 
Pictures of alchemists, scientists http://murov.info/alchemists.htm 
Mass spectrometry  http://murov.info/ms.htm 
top chemicals in 2004 http://murov.info/top_chemicals.htm 
Chemistry at Home


Solubility of inorganic cmpds. http://murov.info/solubility.pdf
cation and anion names, formulas http://murov.info/ions.htm 
Fictional Elements:  Instructional Applications (New 12/5/19) http://murov.info/fictionalelements.htm
Organic Chemistry  
Organic Chemistry Reaction Exercises  New 4/26/19 http://murov.info/orgchemrxnexe.htm
Expts. and Exercises in Organic Chemistry http://murov.info/orglab/orglab.htm
Instructor's Manual for above http://murov.info/orglab/orglabinst.htm
Organic Chemistry Exercises http://murov.info/orglab/exercises.htm
Solutions to the exercise above http://murov.info/orglab/exercisesoln.htm
Properties of Solvents Used in Organic Chem.
sortable table new on 3/30/20
http://murov.info/orgsolvsort.htm sortable
Organic Chemistry Directory http://murov.info/orgchem.htm 
Organic Chemistry Milestones   http://murov.info/organicmilestones.htm
Reaction-Map of Organic Chemistry
see Organic Reaction Exercises above for exercise based on the Reaction-Map
Carbene experiment http://murov.info/carbene.htm 
Organic experiments http://murov.info/orgexpts.htm 
Periodic Table Sites  
Periodic Tables  http://murov.info/periodictables.htm 
http://murov.info/pertabcol1.pdf  NEW
http://murov.info/pertabcol2.pdf  NEW
http://murov.info/periodictabcol.htm   NEW
Periodic Table Timelines   NEW 4/3/18 http://murov.info/timelines.htm
http://murov.info/timeline.pptx (large file, slow download)
Science Related Sites Also see Pre-shows in Powerpoint
Climate Change Probe  new 12/5/18 http://murov.info/climatechangeprobe.htm
Climate change directory   http://murov.info/climatechange.htm 
Climate change images http://murov.info/climatechangeimages.ppt
Climate Change Primer:  Criticality Warrants Action      http://murov.info/climatechangeprimer.htm
Climate change criticality  http://murov.info/climatechangecriticality.pdf
Science education directory http://murov.info/science.htm 
Family science directory (Stanislaus County) http://murov.info/familyscience.htm
Stanislaus County Science events
 and MAPS Schedule 

http://maps.events.mjc.edu/  https://modestoscience.wordpress.com/  (MAPS site)

Past MAPS speakers http://murov.info/mapsspeakers.htm  
Great Valley Museum flyer http://murov.info/gvmflyer.pdf
Water, Density and Metrics Exhibit http://murov.info/waterexhibit.pdf 
Miscellaneous Sites
Pre-shows in Powerpoint (wonders, people, chemistry, athletes, climate change, geography, serendipitous discoveries, birthstones, animals, birds butterflies, constellations, Presidents, historical events, etc.) http://murov.info/PPTPreshows.htm 
    Prominent Athletes of: Modern Times, 21st Century (pptx) http://murov.info/athleteexercises.htm
   Wonders of the:  Universe, World, Calif., Modesto http://murov.info/wonders.htm
Bookmarks to useful sites  http://murov.info/handy.htm  
Higher Education Quality http://murov.info/edstandardsbee2007.htm
Travel Tips http://murov.info/traveltips.htm 
National Anthem in Powerpoint http://murov.info/anthem'.ppt


Free downloadable lab book for the college level organic chemistry course.  posted 02/27/14
Experiments and Exercises in Organic Chemistry:  A Challenge Oriented Approach

    Experiments and Exercises in Basic Chemistry, Wiley, 7th ed.

    Experiments in General Chemistry, Brooks and Cole, 6th ed.

Handbook of Photochemistry, Dekker, 2nd ed.      




Sampler of several of the files below. http://murov.info/sampler.pptx
animals, critically endangered (new 12/24/19) http://murov.info/animalsendangered.pptx
Animals with unusual features  (new 12/30/20) http://murov.info/animalsunusual.pptx
Athletes,  Prominent   (New 05/15/19) http://murov.info/athleteexercises.htm
Birds of North America  (new 1/08/19) http://murov.info/birdscommonamerican.pptx
Butterflies of North America  (new 1/08/20) http://murov.info/butterfliesamerican.pptx
Birthstones (Name the stone and month)
(new 12/31/19)
Chemical Puns http://murov.info/chemicalpuns.pptx
Climate Change Probe  (New 12/10/18)
 Interactive probe into climate change issues
Close-up image identification -
a portion of an image is magnified 
Constellations (sky)  (New 1/3/20) http://murov.info/constellations.pptx
Dinosaurs   (New 1/22/20) http://murov.info/dinosaurs.pptx
Dog Breeds   (New 12/5/19) http://murov.info/Dogbreeds.pptx
Element quiz (with periodic table) - 
an image and information about elements
Face recognition exercise -
an inverted partial face and then the partial face
Famous paintings and artists quiz http://murov.info/FamousPaintings.ppt
Famous scientists identification quiz http://murov.info/namethescientist.ppt
Flags and Capitals of countries  (New 12/5/19) http://murov.info/flagscapitals.pptx
Flowers, popular  (New 1/13/20) http://murov.info/flowerspopular.pptx
Geography quiz   http://murov.info/Geographyquiz.ppt 
Historical Events   (New 12/5/19) http://murov.info/historicalevents.pptx
Illustrated U.S. National Anthem -
Star Spangled Banner words with images
Influential People (Historical)  (New 1/5/19)
The top one runs automatically but is a long for a pre-show and the font size might be a little small for an audience presentation.  For personal use, choose the manual option.
Lakes of the World  (New 1/22/20) http://murov.info/lakes.pptx
Optical illusions and observations quiz http://murov.info/OpticalIllusionsandObservations.ppt
Organic Chemistry Reaction Exercise (not automated)
 (New 05/01/19)
Puns  (New 1/25/20) http://murov.info/puns.pptx
President naming    (New 12/5/19) http://murov.info/presidentnaming.pptx
Rashes   (New 1/22/20) http://murov.info/rashes.pptx
Rivers of the World  (New 1/22/20) http://murov.info/rivers.pptx
Science Literacy quiz http://murov.info/Scienceliteracyquiz.ppt 
Serendipitous Discoveries  (New 7/29/19)  automatic
manual  (each slide requires considerable reading)
State Capitals   (New 12/5/19) http://murov.info/StateCapitals.pptx
Wonders of California quiz-
images of famous Northern Calif. locations 
Wonders of Modesto quiz -
images of Modesto places and people
Wonders of the Universe quiz - 
astronomical images of the Universe
Wonders of the World quiz - 
images of natural and human made earth features
Young celebrity id quiz, the 2nd one is newer 2/20/19 and contains some morphing - identify celebrities from pictures as youth. http://murov.info/youngcelebquiz.pptx

Important Internet Chemistry Sites

A.  Elements - Periodic Tables
B. Compounds - Properties
C. Search for Compounds from Properties
D. Solvent Properties
E.  Chemical Education Journals
F. Chemistry Directory
G. Organic Chemistry Directory
H. Reaction-Map of Organic Chemistry
I.  Literature search
J. Spectra
K. Miscellaneous

 A. Elements - Periodic Tables - WebElements - http://www.webelements.com/  
       Directory of Periodic Tables - https://www.meta-synthesis.com/webbook/35_pt/pt_database.php?Button=All
       Periodic table with history of elements - http://elements.vanderkrogt.net/
       Chronology of the development of the periodic table - http://murov.info/timelines.htm
       History of elements and periodic table - http://www.chem.unt.edu/~jimm/REDISCOVERY%207-09-2018/

 B. Compounds - Properties        
        1. Tabulation
            WolframAlpha - http://www.wolframalpha.com/
            Chemical Book - http://www.chemicalbook.com/
            Chemidplus - http://chem.sis.nlm.nih.gov/chemidplus/chemidlite.jsp
            Knovel Critical Tables (If using Explorer, it must be newest version)
                  (21824 compounds in sortable tables) - login required
  -  initial registration or login: 
https://app.knovel.com/web/register.v ,
                  already registered login: 
https://app.knovel.com/web/login.v ,

                  click on or copy and paste:   https://app.knovel.com/web/view/itable/show.v/rcid:kpKCTE000X/cid:kt002VLXT1/viewerType:itble/
                        To filter the listing, click on the triangle following the desirred parameter, select filter and then enter the limits of the desired parameter (<, > or =) and hit enter.
            Kaye and Laby - organic -https://web.archive.org/web/20190519191800/http://www.kayelaby.npl.co.uk/chemistry/3_3/3_3.html
                                     inorganic - https://web.archive.org/web/20190502165701/http://www.kayelaby.npl.co.uk/chemistry/3_2/3_2.html 
            Chemland 21 - http://www.chemicalland21.com/listaz01.htm
            Chemblink http://www.chemblink.com/
LookChem - http://www.lookchem.com/
Human Metabolome Database - http://www.hmdb.ca/  
            EPA - https://chemview.epa.gov/chemview
            Toxnet - HSDB - http://toxnet.nlm.nih.gov/cgi-bin/sis/htmlgen?HSDB
                all Toxnet databases - https://www.nlm.nih.gov/toxnet/index.html
            PubChem - https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/
            Osha - https://www.osha.gov/chemicaldata/
            Shriner, et.al, Systematic Identification of Organic Compounds, manual for identifying organic compounds especially with the use of derivatives,
               includes tables of common organic compounds with melting or boiling points and melting points of derivatives in tables at back.
               The URLbelow is in 6 point type to reduce its physical size but a click on the link or copy and paste of the link should provide access to a pdf version of the manual. 


        Zinc - http://zinc15.docking.org/

 2. Tabulation + MSDS
            Acros - http://www.acros.com/portal/alias__Rainbow/lang__en/tabID__21/DesktopDefault.aspx
            Alpha Chemical 
- https://www.alfa.com/en/chemicals/
ChemExper Chem. Directory -  http://www.chemexper.com/ 
-  http://chem.sis.nlm.nih.gov/chemidplus/
                        or  http://chem.sis.nlm.nih.gov/chemidplus/chemidlite.jsp
            Chemindex - http://ccinfoweb.ccohs.ca/chemindex/search.html
            Chemspider - http://www.chemspider.com/
            EMD Chemicals - http://www.emdmillipore.com/US/en/documents/Z.qb.qB.tecAAAFDDJUsznLq,nav
            TCI America - http://www.tcichemicals.com/en/us/support-download/brochure/catalog.html

            Wikipedia - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dictionary_of_chemical_formulas

            Chemical Book -

       3. MSDS or SDS
         Aldrich, Sigma - http://www.sigmaaldrich.com/chemistry/chemical-synthesis/chemical-synthesis-catalog.html
            MSDS Solutions - http://www.msds.com/ 
 Vermont Safety Information Resources, Inc. - http://hazard.com/msds/ 
            MSDSprovider - http://www.msdsprovider.com/  
            MSDS online - https://www.msdsonline.com/     
            MSDS digital - https://www.msdsdigital.com/
            Fisher - https://www.fishersci.com/us/en/catalog/search/sdshome.html
            EHSO - http://ehso.com/msds-sds.php

  C. Search for Compounds from Properties
        Acros - http://www.acros.com/portal/alias__Rainbow/lang__en/tabID__21/DesktopDefault.aspx
                    accepts -
formula, structure, molecular mass, bp, mp, refractive index, density, ir
     Aldrich - http://www.sigmaaldrich.com/catalog/search/substructure/OldSubstructureSearchPage
                    accepts -
formula, structure, molecular mass, mp, bp, density
        ChemExper Chem Directory - http://www.chemexper.com/advanced_search.shtml
accepts - formula, structure, molecular mass, bp, mp, refractive index, density, ir, nmr            
        Chemspider - http://www.chemspider.com/FullSearch.aspx
                    accepts - formula, molecular mass
        Melting point and molecular mass search:  http://chem.sis.nlm.nih.gov/chemidplus/    
                    accepts -  
formula, mp, bp
        Organic Chemistry Data Base - http://www.colby.edu/chemistry/cmp/cmp.html    
                    accepts -
formula, molecular mass, mp, bp, density, refractive index, ir, ms
        NIMC site - http://sdbs.db.aist.go.jp/sdbs/cgi-bin/cre_index.cgi?lang=eng
                    accepts -
formula, molecular mass, ir, nmr, ms 
        Polymers - http://www.matweb.com/ 
                    *   http://www.goodfellowusa.com/
Knovel Critical Tables -  (If using Explorer, it must be newest version)
                  (21824 compounds in sortable tables) - login required
  -  initial registration or login:  https://app.knovel.com/web/register.v ,
                  already registered login: 
https://app.knovel.com/web/login.v ,

                  click on or copy and paste:   https://app.knovel.com/web/view/itable/show.v/rcid:kpKCTE000X/cid:kt002VLXT1/viewerType:itble/

To filter the listing, click on the triangle following the desirred parameter, select filter and then enter the limits of the desired parameter (<, > or =) and hit enter.
 Search for structure from name - http://www.commonchemistry.org/ 

   D. Solvent Properties
        Knovel Critical Tables - (If using Explorer, it must be newest version)
                  (21824 compounds in sortable tables) - login required
  -  initial registration or login:  https://app.knovel.com/web/register.v ,
                  already registered login: 
https://app.knovel.com/web/login.v ,

                  click on or copy and paste:
  nmr of deuterated solvents 

  E.  Chemical Education Journals
        J. Chem. Ed. http://pubs.acs.org/journal/jceda8
        Education in Chemistry - http://www.rsc.org/eic/
        Chem13 News - https://uwaterloo.ca/chem13-news-magazine/

  F. Chemistry Directory - http://murov.info/webercises.htm

  G. Organic Chemistry Directory - http://murov.info/orgchem.htm 

  H. Reaction-Map of Organic Chemistry - http://murov.info/Reaction-Map.htm 
       Exercise based on the above - http://murov.info/orgchemrxnexe.htm

  I. Literature search -
         http://isciencesearch.com/iss/default.aspx  (partially free)

  J. Spectra

        1. IR - Liquid or Solution
            NIMC site -
           NIST site - http://webbook.nist.gov/chemistry/ 
            PSLC - 
            RSC - http://www.rsc.org/learn-chemistry/collections/spectroscopy
       2. IR - Gas Phase
            NIST -  http://webbook.nist.gov/chemistry/ 
         ANSYCO - http://www.ansyco.de/CMS/frontend/index.php?idcatside=124 

        3. IR - Predicted
            Bio-Rad -

        4. HNMR - Experimental 
            NIMC site -
               PSLC -  http://pslc.uwsp.edu/
               RSC - http://www.rsc.org/learn-chemistry/collections/spectroscopy
            Solvents - http://www.alsnotebook.com/chlorformtraces.html 
         Deuterated solvents - http://www.wiredchemist.com/chemistry/data/common_nmr_solvents.html 

               human metabolites - http://www.hmdb.ca/
            bioorganics - http://mmcd.nmrfam.wisc.edu/mmcdbrowse.html

        5. HNMR - Calculated
            ChemExper Chem Directory -  http://www.chemexper.com/ 
            nmrdb - http://www.nmrdb.org/ 

        6. 13CNMR - Experimental
            NIMC site -
PSLC -  http://pslc.uwsp.edu/
               RSC - http://www.rsc.org/learn-chemistry/collections/spectroscopy

        7. Mass
            NIMC site - http://sdbs.db.aist.go.jp/sdbs/cgi-bin/cre_index.cgi?lang=eng

            PSLC -  http://pslc.uwsp.edu/
            RSC - http://www.rsc.org/learn-chemistry/collections/spectroscopy 
            Pherobase - http://www.pherobase.com/database/compound/compounds-index.php 

            human metabolites - http://www.hmdb.ca/

        8. UV-Vis
            NIST site - http://webbook.nist.gov/chemistry/ 
            OMLC - http://omlc.org/spectra/PhotochemCAD/html/alpha.html
            RSC - http://www.rsc.org/learn-chemistry/collections/spectroscop

        9. Bibliography - http://library.buffalo.edu/libraries/asl/guides/spectra.html

        10. Polymer spectra - http://pslc.uwsp.edu/ 

        11.  Photophysical properties of organic compounds - http://murov.info/photophys.htm

   K.  Miscellaneous

         1.  Acid Base Indicator properties

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